- Rs. 275.00
Nutrient for the fetus. Garbha Chintamani Ras is an Ayurvedic medicine that is specifically used during pregnancy This medicine acts as an alternative, diaphoretic and tonic It can give strength to the fetus It is also...
- Rs. 190.00
Helpful in Habitual Abortion. cts as a stomachic, alterative tonic, specific remedy for the problems of pregnant women. Indicated in nausea, vomitting, diarrhoea, hyperacidity, bowel complaints & feverishness associated wth pregnancy Garbhpal pas is a...
- Rs. 130.00
Tasty & digestive Tablets A good digestant acts on Irritation & hypermobility of the gastrointestinal track. Anorexia and Dyspeptic conditions. Acidity, Gas, and Bilious Headache. indigestion and uneasiness after heavy meals Gesari helps in Improving...
- Rs. 120.00
Helpful in Prameha, Leucorrhoea, Dysurea & Genito Urinary Disorder Gokshuradi Guggul cures kidney and urinary tract infections (UTI) and other urinary problems like reduced urine formation burning sensation or discomfort while urinating It is made...
- Rs. 200.00
This is helpful for chronic conditions like jaundice, anemia, type fever, parasite infections, and skin disorders. Guduchi helps increase the effectiveness of protective white blood cells which fight infection. The herb also augments immune responses...
- Rs. 225.00
Helpful in Hair Falling, Alopecia & Dandruff Etc. Gunjadi oil is very good and effective to stop hair fall Gunjadi oil is sesame oil-based Regular use of Gunjadi oil is useful to strengthen the hair roots...