• Rs. 150.00

    Helpful in Rheumatoid Arthritis , Osteoarthirities , Analgesic & Anti Inflammatory. Has claming and soothing effects. Has anti-inflammatory and lipid-lowering properties. Helps in remove excess fluids and ama from the body. Removes toxins from the...

  • Rs. 130.00

    • Useful in Obecity • It stimulates fat metabolism and burns excess body fat. • Medohar Guggulu is safest way for weight management by correcting our metabolism and digestion. • Our life is full of...

  • Rs. 145.00

    Helpful in Fracture & Dislocation of joints It has anti-inflammatory properties It is anti-arthritic in nature Its anti-oxidant characteristics scavenge free radicals. It has anti-spasmodic characters. It acts as a potent natural calcium supplement It...

  • Rs. 120.00

    Helpful in Prameha, Leucorrhoea, Dysurea & Genito Urinary Disorder Gokshuradi Guggul cures kidney and urinary tract infections (UTI) and other urinary problems like reduced urine formation burning sensation or discomfort while urinating It is made...

  • Rs. 125.00

    Useful in fistula , piles , obecity & swelling . Trifla guggul is  Beneficial in Hemorrhoids, fistula, vata related pains, paralysis, sciatica, vata in bone marrow joints. This enhances the fire activity, stimulates the uterus,...

  • Rs. 125.00

    Helpful in Rheumatoid arthritis. Lumbago , paraplegia  & oedema Even very good use in chronic degenerative diseases Provides Relief from joint pain and swelling as well as joint stiffness Useful Remedy for Gout , Limping...