• Rs. 150.00

    Yash Acisol Syrup is an Ayurvedic medicine for acidity that can provide relief from a wide range of hyperacidity, such as GERD, heartburn, acid reflux, and gastritis. This natural antacid medication works by supporting healthy...

  • Rs. 180.00

    Kuff Q Syrup  helps to  treat cough and throat irritation. Drinking Kuff – Q Syrup can help soothe the throat by providing instant relief from cough. It has also proven to be effective for cough...

  • Rs. 150.00

    Its anti-inflammatory properties help in relieving inflammation of the skin It is effective in bronchial asthma and peripheral vascular obstruction Raktaraj syrup  is an ayurvedic proprietary medicine that acts as a blood purifier. It is...