- Rs. 250.00
Yashtimadhu has proven healing, anti-ulcerogenic, anti-inflammatory and skin regeneration Useful in Head ache due to pitta Dosha, Tonic for Hair Eyes & Voice. Yashtimadhu Ghrita that helped for the healing of anal fissure. Yashtimadhu has proven healing,...
- Rs. 250.00
Useful in Eye Disease & Skin Diseases. It gives excellent effect on eye diseases. Trifala nothing but has three ingredients (haritaki, vibhitaki and amla). Here, the ghee gives bhavana of trifala to change the physical properties of basic medicine...
- Rs. 250.00
Useful in weakness & Debility tonic for Female. This has been described for treatment of various gastro intestinal disorders according to Ayurveda classical. derivatives which reduce the pain and burning sensation as well as other...
- Rs. 250.00
Useful in infertility, Gentiourinary disorder & Pregnancy. Phal Ghrit is an ayurvedic classical medicated ghee for female infertility and given throughout the pregnancy to maintain pregnancy as well to fulfill nutritional demands Its intake by...
- Rs. 250.00
Helpful in painful Piles , Fistula, & Haemorrhage Ulcers. It is used to treat all kinds of wounds and burns. Useful in skin tuberculosis lesions. It has antimicrobial activities and can be used for first-aid...