• Rs. 200.00

    Useful in Headache It is widely used in treating all types of headache. Migraine, vascular headache, earache, toothache, night blindness, eye pain, eye disorders related with inflammation and vision disturbances. It is used in the treatment...

  • Rs. 250.00

    Useful in infertility, Gentiourinary disorder & Pregnancy. Phal Ghrit is an ayurvedic classical medicated ghee for female infertility and given throughout the pregnancy to maintain pregnancy as well to fulfill nutritional demands Its intake by...

  • Rs. 260.00

    Effective in inflamed piles, Fissures & Fistula, Relives pain, Burning, Itching and Checks Bleeding Piles     Composition :- Daru Haridra , Nag Kesar , Suran , Rudra Bhasma , Kharva Pisti , SDhankh Bhasma , Karpdika...

  • Rs. 200.00

    Useful in abdominal Pain , worms cough & cold. Pippali is valued in Ayurvedic food and supplements for enhancing digestion and metabolism It is considered to be a rejuvenator for lungs. It helps to relax...

  • Rs. 215.00

    Useful in Muscular Atrophy , Scaiatica & Fracture. Prasarini taila is an ayurvedic oil, used in ayurvedic treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, sciatica, neck pain, paralysis, stiffness etc Used to treat locked jaw, stiffness in lower...

  • Rs. 120.00

    Stimulates stomach to produce enzymes for good digestion Removes body toxins Alkalises Urine Stimulates Urine production Treats Urinary diseases Useful in Nephritic diseases, Kidney and liver diseases Indication :- As directed by physician. Composition:- Punanawa