• Rs. 385.00

    Anti Pyretic  & Blood Purifier. Useful in Vat-vyadhi. Ayurveda,is highly effective in common and complicated ailments, assures long term relief and has no side effects Fever,Tonic & Breathing Problems. Indication :- 5-7 grams, twice a...

  • Rs. 155.00

    Prevent diabetes, fattiness, fever, cold cough , remove constipation & improve digestion. Effective in all types of fevers. Useful in acidity, headache & aggravated Pitta dosha. Improves Digestion., Boost’s Immunity, Effective in all types of...

  • Rs. 125.00

    Manintain Tridosha Level , Act as Rasayan & eye Tonic. It maintains healthy eyes Balances all three dosha Vata, Pitta, and Kapha Provides overall nourishment Jivanti Churna is an Ayurvedic medicine that is primarily used...

  • Rs. 125.00

    Useful in Ployurea  & Prameha. Jambu beej churna may help detoxify the body and lower blood pressures Jamunbij churna is a great pick to support healthy blood sugar management and to promote a healthy weight...

  • Rs. 165.00

    Helpful in anorexia , flatulence & indigestion. Ayurvedic and natural formulation which takes care of the proper functioning of digestive system Provides relief from gas and constipation Helps to treat the problems of indigestion Reduces bloating...

  • Rs. 100.00

    Useful in constipation & Gas. Himej Shiva Churna is used for the maintenance of general health and vitality and supporting the regulation of the digestive system.  It is used in the treatment of liver and...