- Rs. 150.00
Useful in Allergy , Itching & Skin Disorder. Haridrakhand is a widely trusted remedy for skin allergies. · It has the natural goodness of haldi combined with other herbal extracts has anti-inflammatory quality which makes it soothe...
- Rs. 90.00
Helpful in Gas, Constipation, Piles & skin Disease. Acts as a remedy for all digestion-related problems Assists in increasing digestive enzymes, suppresses hyperacidity, and improves absorption of nutrients Helps to prevent constipation and piles Harde...
- Rs. 120.00
Vitalizer , Tonic & Appetizer. It is useful in boosting immunity and enhancing liver function and also aids in proper digestion. Rich in anti oxidants. Cures indigestion. Aleviates anxiety & stress. Indication :- 5-10 grams...
- Rs. 140.00
Helpful in bold, Local Swelling & Inflammation. It is used in Ayurvedic treatment of fever, headache, skin diseases such as eczema, herpes wound, etc Useful In All Types Of Skin Problems.It Is Indicated In Fever,...
- Rs. 130.00
Useful for good health of teeth & gums. This classical naturally prepared medicine is proved useful for all kind of dental and oral problems like mouth ulcers, helitosis, weakened teeth, blood and pus secretions of...
- Rs. 125.00
For loss of appetite, anorexia, and diarrhea. Used to correct indigestion and to treat malabsorption syndrome. It is also useful in respiratory conditions like cough. Dadimastak Choornam is an effective herbal medicine useful in ayurvedic...