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Dosage :- 2-2 tabs twice a day or as directed by physician.
Composition :- Vavding , Lindi Pipper , Sunth , Harde , Baheda , Chitraka, Vaj , Galo , Shuddha Vachhanag, Suddh Bhallatak
Helpful in Constipation , skin Disease & Piles Most common used medicine in constipation Corrects digestive disorders. Useful in Piles, Bloating, IrritableBowel Syndrome, Haemorrhoids and other Digestive disorders Ayurvedic Herbal Remedy for Constipation, Piles, bloating,...
Cardiac Stimulant , Helpful in cough fever & giddiness Also Effective in Gas Beneficial in seasonal productive cough and cold. Reduces inflammation of throat Dosage :- 2-2 tabs, twice a day or as directed by...
Helpful in prameha UTI & Gynec Disorder inflammatory Ayurvedic remedy used for the treatment of a multitude of diseases of the urinary tract, kidney, pancreas, thyroid gland, bones and joints Boosts male/female fertility Maintains reproductive...
Aphrodisiac & useful in spermatorrhoea It has aphrodisiac action and is useful in treatment of male sexual disorders like impotence It significantly increases vigor, stamina and fertility It is also used in nervine tonic and...
Helpful in Gas , colic pain , flatulence & Acidity Helpful in improving intestinal activity and clearing the obstruction. Excellent Deepak, Pachak, Shoolanashak and Vatanulomak Kalpa. Neutralizes abnormal pitta hence relieves hyperacidity associated with indigestion,...
Useful in Otorrhoea , Otitis media & Otalgia Etc Sarivadi Vati is an Ayurvedic tablet used in treating hearing problems such as tinnitus, ear infection etc This Medicine is naturally prepared medicine is clinically proved...
Relives from tension & restores Sound Sleep & keep your Hair Healthy . This supplement not only improves cognitive function but also helps boost memory, thereby improving the ability to focus and learn Supports memory...
Helpful in Hyperacidity, Piles, Colic Pain, & Urinary Disorder. It is used in common diseases of the digestive system like indigestion, flatulence, bloating, nausea, vomiting, stomach colic, and haemorrhoids It is used in the treatment...
Rejuvenates Mind & body helps cope with life’s Daily Stress This herb is most highly regarded as a fitness supplement, but it is also known to fortify and boost immunity. Some of the ashwagandha immune system benefits are...
Helpful in laxative , Rasayan & Eye Tonic . Acts as a highly-effective laxative widely used in indigestion Used for its colon cleansing and detoxifying action Protects vital digestive organs and helps eliminate toxins It...
Antitussive & expectorant Yashtimadhu accelerates the healing of gastric and duodenal ulcers by relieving inflammation and producing protective mucus for the stomach lining. It is an excellent remedy for curing problems such as sore throat...
Useful in Dyspepsia, Piles, & Loss of Appetite Chitrakadi vati cures indigestion, improves appetite, and suppresses gas and discomfort. Unbalanced diet, stress and a sedentary lifestyle cause digestion-related ailments Chitrakadivati stimulates the production of digestive...
Effective in Cough , Cold & Asthama It combats cough and cold, cures sore throats, relieves respiratory disorders and bronchitis. It is helpful in treating chronic cold problems associated with sinusitis & rhinitis, nasal congestion,...
Blood purifies, helpful in skin disease & allergy Gandhak is an antiviral component that offers antibacterial effects to treat various skin disorders. Gandhak Rasayan Officinale enhances the bioavailability of antioxidants. Gandhak Rasayan Tablet helps prevent...
Useful in Indigestion, Oedema, Tridosh, and Obesity & also used as liver tonic . It is also strongly advocated in the texts of Bhaishyajyaratnavali for treating yakritvikara i.e. liver disorders. The holistic science of Ayurveda...
Anti pyretic , Analgesic & effective in malaria It is known to improve immunity and protects from being prone to different infections It helps in reducing stress & fatigue It acts as an analgesic and...
Triphala protects the body from the threat of allergens and infections. This Ayurvedic formula restores balance of the three prominent doshas and improves the body overall immunity response It is formulated to encourage the production...
Useful as laxcative and for indigestion. Shiva Himej Tablet is widely used in the treatment of liver disorders, respiratory issues, and neuropsychiatric conditions. Himej is one of the common name of choti Haritaki (Terminalia chebula) unctuous,...
Helpful in Headache , Migrane & neuralgic pain etc It helps to balance Vata, Kapha and Pitta dosha. Headache due to excessive exercise, Mental stress, Vascular Headache, Tension Headache, Dosage :- 2-2 tabs thrice a...
Useful in Acidity , general weakness & Gynec disorder Shatavari has the ability to help support fertility and vitality in women. Shatavari tablet is ideal for overcoming fatigue, promoting physical and mental health and rejuvenating the body...
Tonic For Eyes It can be used as source of Iron , Since it contains Iron Calx(Bhasma), as ingredient , Hence used for treating Anemia , Low Hemoglobin Level It is used in Tratment of...
Useful in chronic fever , cough & general weakness Samshamani vati is a trusted ayurvedic medicine useful in treatment of all types of fever and viral infections It has antipyretic and anti inflammatory properties, Sanshamani...
An Excellent routine Pick Up in all Ages, Effective in Urinary Disorder. Rasayan combination that improves functions of all body systems Lowers the risk factors of cardiac and kidney disorders Promotes elimination of toxins through...
Useful in Elephantiasis & Tumor Nityanad Ras used in the treatment of gout, piles, lymphadenitis, tumors, elephantiasis, etc. It is potential in Treatment of cancer & Lipoma It is useful in treatment of Ovarian Cysts...
Useful in bed wetting , hypotension & neuralgic weakness Helps in preventing the loose tonicity of bladder This ayurvedic medicine will cure the high blood pressure, heart diseases, hereditary diseases and challenges came from anxiety...
A Tonic Increasingthe potency , Strength & Vigour by stimulating Metabolism. Narsinh Vati is a classical ayurvedic medicine for Vigour and Vitality in Men. It rejuvenates body and increase stamina and power to men. Indication...
Laxative in chronic constipation & skin disorder Useful In Constipation,gas and Blood Purification. Also relives from problems like headache,mouth ulcer,heavy stomach due to constipation. Formulation is derived with knowledge of ancient science of Ayurveda. Purgative,...
Helpful in Anodyme , Diurectic , also useful in Rheumatism. This tablet, is formulated from herbal and plant extracts and brings relief by healing injury or inflammation in joint and nourishing the bone and muscle...
Promotes a healthy digestive system Encompasses carminative properties Helpful in treating indigestion, loss of appetite, and vomiting Indicated in the treatment of dyspepsia, diarrhea and gastro enteritis Embodies mild laxative properties Helps to relieve flatulence...
For Influenza , pneumonia , cold & cough It soothes the throat and sinuses. It loosens the mucus accumulated in the chest thus making it easy to cough it up. It also cures body aches...
Useful in menstrural Disorder , Anemia & General Weakness. It is very delicate medication, so can be safely used in patient who cannot tolerate stringent medicine. Regularizes irregular menstrual cycle and relieves pain associated with...
Helpful as Brain Tonic , Sound Sleep. Jatamansi is a natural brain nervine tonic and a memory enhancer, which has calming, peacefulness and relaxation features. It supports mental health and maintains healthy functioning of nervous system....
Useful in flatulence, indigestion & constipation. Helps in the treatment and management of indigestion, colic pain and loss of appetite USEFUL IN GASTRIC TROUBLES, INDIGESTION & FLATULENCE Dosage:- 2-2 tabs twice a day or as...
Useful in Constipation, Flatulence, and gas. Being a gentle laxative it clears constipation and flatulence Restores normal digestive functions Detoxifies blood and restores normal healthy metabolism Cleans up the gastrointestinal system and restores the proper...
Tasty & digestive Tablets A good digestant acts on Irritation & hypermobility of the gastrointestinal track. Anorexia and Dyspeptic conditions. Acidity, Gas, and Bilious Headache. indigestion and uneasiness after heavy meals Gesari helps in Improving...
Helpful in Habitual Abortion. cts as a stomachic, alterative tonic, specific remedy for the problems of pregnant women. Indicated in nausea, vomitting, diarrhoea, hyperacidity, bowel complaints & feverishness associated wth pregnancy Garbhpal pas is a...
Nutrient for the fetus. Garbha Chintamani Ras is an Ayurvedic medicine that is specifically used during pregnancy This medicine acts as an alternative, diaphoretic and tonic It can give strength to the fetus It is also...
A bitter Tonic Appetiser & Rasayan. It is useful in boosting immunity and enhancing liver function and also aids in proper digestion. Galo Satva is used to treat a plethora of body ailments including fevers,...
Helpful in paralytic & Neuralgic Disorders It helps in warming up the body and helps in proper flow of blood to the effected parts therby bringing back the normal activities of Paralytic patients It is...
Useful in fever, burning sensation & hemorrhagic disorder It is an herbal tablet used in Ayurvedic treatment of diabetes and its complications such as neuropathy. Chandrakala Ras is used in Ayurvedic treatment of bleeding disorders,...
Useful in Chronic , Bronchitis , Bronchial , asthama, & Respiratory Disorder Maintains the liver health by regulating bile secretion Helps reduce phlegm, cough, and breathlessness Useful in conditions such as asthma and bronchitis Beneficial...
Act as anti pyretic & analgesic in coyza , pneumonia & Cough. Tribhuvan Kirti Ras is a traditional and effective formulation that provides immediate relief from cough, body aches, cold and fever It cures the...
Useful in Various Types of Vat Vyadhi. Helps in treating psychosis Treats facial palsy Vata Also Controls the mind , senses & perception. Vata Dosha governs flow and motion in the body, which means it...
Useful in chronic fever & general debility VISHTUNDIK VATI is an herbal medicine which is excellent nerve tonic. The main ingredient Strychnos nux-vomica is a medicine which acts on CNS. VISHTINDUKADI VATI is a wonderful...
Useful in bleeding & Non Bleeding Piles . helps to decrease the size of pile mass and to stop bleeding, in case of bleeding hemorrhoids. Several ingredients present in Arshoghni Vati reduce discomfort, bleeding occurring...