- Rs. 150.00
Anti Septic, helpful in wounds & Pruritus, best oil for all skin problems. Effective in the treatment of diseases like skin acne vulgaris, boils, and also effective for wounds healing. Useful in treating skin ailments...
- Rs. 225.00
Helpful in Pruritus Boils & Skin Disorder Helpful for acne, Itching, Psoriasis It is a medicated oil used topically on skin diseases. It has antiseptic and antifungal properties. It is used in the treatment of...
- Rs. 215.00
Useful in Rheumatic Disorder. Muscular pain Joint Pain Also used in other inflammatory affections Useful in treating stifness Dosage :- For external Use Only Composition :- Dhanup, Niragundi patra, Katubimbi, Satodi (Punarnava)¸ Erand (Divelo), Ashwagandha, Chakramard,...
- Rs. 215.00
For Massage in Skeleto –Muscular Disorder & for Healthy Joints Mahanarayan taila is an ayurvedic oil that cures chronic joint and muscle pains and rigidity caused by arthritis, gout, etc It is an effective cure...
- Rs. 215.00
Useful in Paralytic Disorders & Chronic Vat Vyadhi. Mahamasha tail is one of the powerful Ayurveda oil, widely used for many neurological conditions It is used in Ayurvedic treatment of Paralysis, Palsy. It is used...
- Rs. 225.00
Helps in Fracture , Back ache & Rickets It is used for treatment of Low back Ache , Sciatica , Spondylosis , Cold , Cough , fever , itching . Good for body development &...