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Helpful in Rheumatoid Arthritis , Osteoarthirities , Analgesic & Anti Inflammatory. Has claming and soothing effects. Has anti-inflammatory and lipid-lowering properties. Helps in remove excess fluids and ama from the body. Removes toxins from the...
Helpful in Prameha, Leucorrhoea, Dysurea & Genito Urinary Disorder Gokshuradi Guggul cures kidney and urinary tract infections (UTI) and other urinary problems like reduced urine formation burning sensation or discomfort while urinating It is made...
Useful in Headache , sciatica & rheumatoid arthritis Pathyadi Guggulu is widely used in treating all types of headache. Migraine, vascular headache, earache, toothache, night blindness, eye pain, eye disorders related with inflammation and vision...
Helpful in Fracture & Dislocation of joints It has anti-inflammatory properties It is anti-arthritic in nature Its anti-oxidant characteristics scavenge free radicals. It has anti-spasmodic characters. It acts as a potent natural calcium supplement It...
Useful in fistula , piles , obecity & swelling . Trifla guggul is Beneficial in Hemorrhoids, fistula, vata related pains, paralysis, sciatica, vata in bone marrow joints. This enhances the fire activity, stimulates the uterus,...
Helpful in Rheumatoid arthritis. Lumbago , paraplegia & oedema Even very good use in chronic degenerative diseases Provides Relief from joint pain and swelling as well as joint stiffness Useful Remedy for Gout , Limping...
Useful in ascites , oedema , scrofula & Urinary Disorder Supports proper function of the urinary system Promotes the healthy elimination of fluids from the system Maintains the healthy function of the kidneys, heart and...
Useful in Skin Diseases, Malaria & Anemia . It is a wholesome medicine for improvement of general health and immunity and aids in relieving a milieu of skin diseases. This polyherbal concoction is mainly used...
Useful in Sciatica , backache & muscular pain It acts on the brain, nerves, blood vessels, heart, muscles, bones, and joints Acts on the brain, nerves, blood vessels, heart, muscles, bones, and joints It gives...
Helpful in Anti Rheumatic & Analgesic Remedy It is used in the treatment of nervous diseases, gout, rheumatism, joint and muscle disorders, digestive diseases, respiratory troubles, urinary disorders, all types of pain disorders and inflammatory...
Helpful in benign tumour, adenoma & fistula sinus May help in preventing the growth of the cancer cell and helps in reducing joint pain It also has a soothing effect on the reproductive organs in...
Useful in Prameha, gout swelling , Gulma. It helps your body balance the production of uric acid and controls gout Kaishor guggul purifies your blood of toxins introduced from the polluted environment or an unhealthy...
Helpful in Paralysis , Sciatica , gout & lumbar . Used in the of treatment pains associated with sciatica and nerves Facilitates strength to the bones and joints Helps in the treatment of muscle spasms...
Useful in Fistula, Gout, Arthritis, Acidity & Gulms It is also useful in Obesity Management It reduces Cholesterol, detoxifies blood It is used as medicine in peripheral vascular Insufficiency It helps your body balance the...